Why local?
We love where we go to work, with our studio being on a very special part of this amazing Dorset coast. Our connections with business clusters down here, like Silicon South (creative tech cluster) and Dorset Cyber Alliance, link us into a strong R&D network. We work closely with Bournemouth University and Bournemouth & Poole College, and we run a scheme of one year career placements for students from a wide variety of disciplines.

We are working with the Student Union at Bournemouth University to develop a tool for all UK students. The tool is called SECURE, which stands for Student Everyday Confidence in Understanding Risk Environments. In the form of a mobile phone App, it offers a single responsive and accessible hub, where users can choose a range of options, from accessing a library of short 5-minute multimedia knowledge ‘bites’, or choose to go on pre-configured short learning journeys, whilst on the move and on-demand.

The individual advice items are grouped into easily navigable areas of life that can become vulnerable to everyone whilst preparing to enter the world of work. Throughout the whole tool are a wide range of personalised links to their pre-configured personal circumstances and locations, thereby making the SECURE tool a one-stop-shop, unique navigational device for any individual’s exploration of their local security support ecosystem. SECURE is currently on trial with students at several universities and colleges in the Southwest, prior to full development and national launch.
We are actively looking at how we can make a difference, by applying our behaviour change techniques to local issues. Below is a selection of R&D activities that are being developed during 2023.

Our Local Initiatives
Working Live! This is a B2B simulcast channel that is unusual in that the regular monthly business magazine show is designed to support the unemployed, students and those in work transition, as well as business owners and their employees. With the support from the BCP Council, we upgraded our greenscreen studio and broadcast gallery to be able to facilitate ‘live’ debate, opinion poll voting and manage break-out rooms in video conference mode for local businesses. The pilot Working Live! shows were broadcast ‘live’ in 2022 and the successful format is now being developed as a permanent fixture in the BCP business ecosystem. For more information visit www.workinglive.co.uk
Working Live! Learning. We are developing a short course technical platform for our local businesses to host behaviour change programmes of a very specific local need. Many sectors down here are looking for support in managing risk of crime, cyber-attacks, energy security and loss of IP. We are exploring how we can make our larger tools in these areas be made available as mini-learning tools that can be accessed on the move or in a short coffee break at work. Several local businesses are helping us understand the local operational needs and issues, with trials scheduled in late spring.
Digital Gaming incorporated in Real Environments. We are working with several local businesses in the tourism and retail sectors to explore how we can bring the digital storytelling world into existing physical environments. This work includes retail spaces, public outdoor screens, and restaurants. It uses our User Profiling experience and pushes our use of gaming and fictional storytelling into challenging spaces and alternative environments.
General Enquiries: Kyle Patterson - Business Operations Manager | kyle@limetools.biz | +44 (0) 1202 022449
Head Office: Studio 5 | The Old Brewery | 91A Southcote Road | Bournemouth | BH1 3SN Company Registration: 8516058